Tuesday, 15 December 2009


I don't normally use this blog as a vent for anger or anything, just my general interests and a bit of a journal to show what I've been up to.


On the 11th January I have an assessment for my final year of uni, for this assessment I have to have 2 final prints done, a dummy book, and a presentation.

I have not yet taken any photographs for my final prints or book, this is mainly my own fault for not being organised but also a bit of logistics. Why did I have to choose a subject which would mean me travelling? (i have no car and limited cash) and also one which meant I would be photographing outside! It is December, in Britain. Stupid of me I know. When I have taken photographs I will have a very short time (possibly a week) to get them printed and sent back to me for hand in.

I am so looking forward to christmas but I am going to have A TONNE of work to do.

As well as all this I have my dissertation due in February and it is my 21st Birthday on the 24th January SMACK BANG in between.


I'm writing this now because I cannot sleep :(


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