Tuesday 10 November 2009

The best day ever!

So I'm having the best day today! (despite the horrendous weather).
I woke up this morning to a job offer, which is great because ive been job hunting in vain for about 3 months now!

I got dressed and put on my lovely yellow hat. Yellow is my favourite colour and it certainly cheers me up wearing it. I dont normally do the whole 'myspace pose' and take pictures of myself but I felt like it today, ignore my stupid face.


I then made my way into town to buy essential underwear. I picked up a set of 2 bras for £10 and when i got to the till the shop assisstant said that was in the sale for£3.00!! 3 quid for 2 bras! thats £1.50 each!! (easy maths sorry, im not patronising you)

I then got a phonecall for ANOTHER job interview! So ive got 2 at the end of the week *fingers crossed* I get one of them.

And later on I am going to a pub quiz with my housemates. lots of fun today :)

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