Sunday, 8 November 2009

Remember Remember the 5th of November!

So it was Bonfire night on Thursday. Since being at uni I have neglected to celebrate it so this year I made sure I went home to enjoy the fun, food and festivities.

There was no guy this year, I dont think many people do that anymore. I find it fascinating that 404 years later we still remember the day that Guy Fawkes and a few other men tried to blow up the hosues of Parliament in London and kill James I. Obviously we now celebrate more for traditions sake than anything else.

Me and my family went to my Cousins house in the country where her village has a giant bonfire and fireworks display every year. Then we had hot dogs and jacket potatoes with chilli yum yum! There was quite a crowd there.

I love fireworks, I guess they are part of the celebration because they emulate explosions? here are my best firework photographs from the night

We also had sparklers :D
my sister took this photo of me, isnt it great! she should be studying photography not me haha

anyway so we stayed over their house and I went back to uni on saturday. So glad I got to see sonme fireworks this year and as always Its was really lovely seeing my family again. I really miss them when I'm away.

Hope you had a good bonfire night if you had one!